ASL First Signs Flash Cards

$ 12.99

This is a set of 15 "First Signs" ASL (American Sign Language) flashcards made with lenticular graphics.  When you tilt the card the image changes/moves - showing you how to make the sign. Look at the last 2 pictures above and see the difference - the boy's hand moved away from his mouth - showing you this is how to sign "Thank You".  All the children are either deaf or can hear and have deaf parents. ASL is their first language. The 15 signs/words are: THANK YOU, MOM, DAD, MORE, EAT, FINISH, DRINK, MILK, WANT, COOKIE, CRACKER, BOOK, HOME, BED and BATH. This is a great baby shower gift or for any parent wanting to learn some basic signs with their baby/toddler. Included is an information sheet on the benefits of learning sign with your babies. The cards are 31/2" x 3 3/4" in size. Please let me know if you want a blue, pink or white organza bag when you order. Thanks! Enjoy!

We also have these images on a poster called First Signs Poster. For some people it is easier to look at a poster. Some families put the poster on the refrigerator for easy reference. Stand in front of the poster and lean left to right to see the images move. 


We recently added 2 NEW ASL lenticular posters - Early Signs and Zoo Animal signs.